Welcome to the Hill Street Church of Christ Home

We are glad you have chosen to visit the Hill Street, Church of Christ today. The church here strives to be a continuation of the church established by Christ and talked about in the New Testament. The Bible is our blueprint and we do our best to follow that example. 


Let me give you a brief description of what to expect during the worship service.  One of the unique things about churches of Christ is that we sing and make music in our hearts without the accompani­ment of musical instruments (Eph. 5:19).  There will be several prayers to God our heavenly Fa­ther during the service.  If you visit on a Sunday, the first day of the weekthe Lord's Supper will be included in the worship service (Acts 20:7), this is done as a memo­rial of Christ's sacrifice for our sins (1 Cor. 11:23-26), and each baptized member of the church will partake of the Lord's Supper.  There will also be a collection plate passed for a monetary offering (1 Co­r. 16:1-2).  As our guestyou are not expected to make a do­nation. Feel free to just pass the plate to the next person.  The service will also include a Bible centered sermon usu­ally about 45 minutes in length.  At the close of the ser­mon, the preacher will "extend an invitation," for those who wish to make a commitment or for those who want to make a public confession.  Those who wish to "respond" can come to the front of the auditorium while the congregation sings a hymn.


We try to be friendly people and do our best to make you feel welcome. Please stay after the services so that we may have a chance to get to know each other better.  We truly are glad you came to visit and hope to see you again.  We would love for you to regularly meet with us so that we can together; learn more about what God’s will is for our lives.  Again, thank you for being our honored guest.